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 Make your own Sonic character.

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Plutor Zaminous
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Plutor Zaminous

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Make your own Sonic character. Empty
PostSubject: Make your own Sonic character.   Make your own Sonic character. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 10, 2008 11:10 pm

Ok.. here we make our own Sonic characters i deleted Mercades' because mine was really fucked up.

Name: Rio
Middle Name: Shin
Last Name: Denkou

Race: Hedgehog

Power-Ups: None he's too strong.

Techniques: Pride for the Sake, Lazer Petal Strike, Walking Road, Typhoon Pierce Attack.

Any guilds or organizations, clans? Drunken Pirate Crew, Trigger Clan, Bandit Organization.

Clothes? Black Admiral Suit, Black Jeans, Shoes, Bandana.

Alignment: Independent.

Weapons? Sword and a Pistol.

When i was a baby my dad was a protector of my homeland. I grew up through helfish training with a Drunken Teacher although he was the best Drunken Teacher over the world. 15 old Teenager, i was on a dangerous mission at Army back then i ended up on a land and every of my comrades were dead. I had to survive and finally someone came. -3- It was a Pirate Ship. 5 years ago fighting under command of the Drunken Pirates we fought enemies, but they lost only i survived.. again. Captain said that im the new leader of that crew. 10 years later, i became world famous i had a bounty: 9,000,000,000. I was amazed during those years i just beat 300 crews. Now i am on my way. We split ways and we goed alone adventures for now. One day i ended up on a Shaman Island called: Shiurinshan. They had some weird power called Humba Lumba then they cursed me. That my eyes became pitch blue. The point in that curse is when i die, i will re-incarnate as a Shaman.
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