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 GM Application

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Join date : 2008-11-09

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PostSubject: GM Application   GM Application Icon_minitimeSun Nov 09, 2008 7:08 am

Key: LSSJ Chris

In-Game Name: Chris

Where have you been GM on a game: I have been GM on several games. Listed below is some:

Owner - Dragonball GT: Darkness Within(Past/Shutdown for reasons)

Owner - Pokemon: Fierce Determination(Currently Creating)

Lvl 3 GM - Dragonball Z: Future Fighters(Past/Game Closed)

Lvl 3 GM - Pokemon: Twilight Realms(Past/Lost internet for a week and lost GM)

Lvl 2 GM - Pokemon: Killer Blood(Past/Game Died)

Lvl 1 GM - Bleach: (Forgot the name)(Past/Game Closed)

There are more, but they totaly slipped my mind.

What do you do if anyone breaks rules: Depending on the offense, I would first give them a warning. If they continue it would be a boot and then a ban if they don't stop. I have had experience with dealing with rule breakers.

What can you do with Dream Maker: I can Code, Map and make Skins pretty well. I can icon Alittle Bit, Mainly editing icons. I am currently making a pokemon game of my own, but from the ground up, so it will be a few weeks till iys ready for players.

Why should you become a GM: As you see I have alot of experiance being a GM. I know how to handle rule breakers and deal with problems within the game. I can also help fix bugs and code if needed. I know how too spot bugs, and can help fix them. I can help change things within your game cause I know my way around your source code pretty well. I have the source code to your game, minus the updates you did from the original source. You will not regret it if you choose me to be a GM, i can promise you that.
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The Owner of PHR
The Owner of PHR

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Age : 29
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GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application   GM Application Icon_minitimeSun Nov 09, 2008 7:13 am

Gm's are full, but we might add some in the future, btw just keep active on forum, post everyday, go on game everyday, help other players and be good in game, who knows, u might become gm.

so atm Denied
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