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 Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0

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2 posters
The Owner of PHR
The Owner of PHR

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Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0   Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 4:32 am

Added Aqua base and New Skin!
Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Phr

Added the Sinnoh Starters
Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Phr2-1
Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Phr3

Added Team Galactic Leader
Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Phrgalactic

Added Magma Lut and Galactic Lut. & Grunts
Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 PHRRRRR

i will be doing more updates soon, planning on making team rocket,rocket,galactic and magma base and more!!
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Plutor Zaminous
The Forum Master
The Forum Master
Plutor Zaminous

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Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0   Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 5:19 am

Nice, Pinoyz.
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The Owner of PHR
The Owner of PHR

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Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0   Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 5:21 am

oh i forgot to put the new icons, nah ull just see it in game =] when update there are more icons too choose
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Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0   Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0 Icon_minitime

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Some Updates ive done for the upcoming v2.0
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